Church is at 10AM in person and on Facebook. The Pastor’s office hours are TWTH 10-2, or by appointment. AA and Al-Anon meets at 7pm each Wednesday.
Parking passes are now available in the office. We are across the street from UMD.
Upcoming Events:
11/11: The office is closed in observance of Veteran’s Day.
Every second Thursday our Journey widows group meets at 1pm.
As weather permits, we eat lunch in the garden Wednesdays at Noon. These are postponed until spring.
Yoga meets Thursday evenings. Call 2187242266 for information.
The book club meets the third Tuesday of the month at 6pm (11/19, 12/17). For November we are reading The Dance Boots by Linda Grover.
We are studying the book Jesus and John Wayne Tuesdays at 11AM starting 11/12. It is about Christian Nationalism.
11/24 at 2pm at First UMC we will be attending the District Charge Conference to approve some of our business and forms.
11/28: Happy Thanksgiving!
12/1: First Sunday of Advent
12/24: Christmas Eve worship is Tuesday at 5pm.