Hope Church has inclusion and diversity in our DNA. Hope Church is the product of the merging of University UMC, Endion UMC, Woodland UMC and Chester and Lester Park UMC. We value making room at the table. Through our mergers we have learned the value of adding more chairs. There is always room for one more! We have a history of being an inter-generational church committed to “caring for the soul for a lifetime and beyond.” We love people, wherever they are on their journey. We value work. There is good to be done in this world. We are partners with God, who makes all thins possible and whose steadfast love endures. May there be peace on earth and may it begin with us.

Hope Church, “with God’s grace, cares for the soul for a lifetime and beyond.” This means we recognize the variety and diversity of human experience.”
Hope Church is a community of faith. We are a community because, “there is one body, one Spirit, one faith, one baptism on God and Master of all who is above all and through all and all in all” (Ephesians 4:4-5). We believe it is the dream of God for us to live as one as in Revelation when New Jerusalem comes down and all the gates of the city are open for all to enter. We celebrate diversity and seek to not threatened by differences but count them a blessing.